Want a guilt-free festive season?

It's that time of year. Roaring fires, twinkling lights, pine-scented air and carols around the tree at the annual lights switch-on (well, maybe next year...).

With Covid restricting many plans, are you feeling even more pressure on you to create the perfect festive season this year?

Why not choose to SHIFT your perceptions, indulge in wonderful experiences, and avoid the guilt, shame, and arguments that can come with expectations and perfectionism at this time of year.

I’ve created an email series so you can receive 5 days of simple, easy to remember, strategy and mindset tricks straight to your inbox, designed to get you feeling confident that you'll have a good time no matter what happens.

I’ll send you a new strategy or mindset tip every day for five days, starting 14 December.

Get the free five day email series by entering your email below.

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